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Shibalia  welcomes all Shibaholics!  

Hello, my name is Anne and I am a "Shibaholic"; my addiction to this seriously stunning breed started in 2009 with my first dog ever Tomas "King Tomi". 


Our Tomi was a human in a fur coat, I just know it! Tomi was forever smiling (despite my singing to him), he was a loyal gentle soul and the inspiration for my unwavering passion, commitment and deep love that I have for the Shiba Inu.


Without compromise our goal is to produce the best quality Shiba Inu in temperament, health, structure, and breed type.  To achieve this, we have impeccable record keeping, document and reflect on our learning, and we engage with mentors across the world.


We apply this knowledge ahead of any of our decisions to continue the preservation and improve on the breed characteristics.


Shibalia is a registered Dogs Victoria member no. 3100052616 and our Pet exchange source number is RB100520.



TARKIRRA Tomas Forever grateful Joan

Our life with the Shibs

Thanks to our Shibs are days are bursting with love and amazement.  Watching them grow and develop into parents themselves is magical journey that we are privileged to have.


I am eternally grateful to all the breeders who have allowed us to adopt a Shiba Inu or Frozen Fire.


To just sit and watch our Shibas and their Shibananigans  moving about with their curled tails and sassy strut always entertains and makes us smile. 



JoJoise & I at The Royal Melbourne Show RUS GR CH & NZ CH SHITONUBA VOW TO WIN (imp RUS) Owned by A.Pavlovic  Bred by Natalia Tonu (Russia) aka "TRUMP"


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