Poop patrol
Before continuing I would like to say that these are the things we do when one of our Shiba's have diarrhea or are constipated. Please remember to always consult with your Vet before considering any of our remedies.
What is the poop showing me?
If your dog's poop is anything but chocolate brown in color- consult your vet. Changes in color could be an indication of more serious internal concerns.
Whenever you are unsure or if your dog has diarrhea or constipation for a prolonged period of time, speak to your vet.
Usually, one of the first things new puppy parents do is switch dog food. Along with all the other changes and stress (new people, missing Mummy and siblings, new environment), a new puppy food tends to really upset their tummy's.
Here are some of the causes:
Change in environment, moving home or arrival of a new family member
Change in diet: It may take a few days for a dog’s digestive system to adapt to new proteins. That’s why many dog-food manufacturers recommend that you go slow when you switch from one brand of food to another.
Food intolerance: we find Lamb, Kangaroo and Raw beef can give diarrhea, so we give this to our Pups in moderation or not at all
Eating food designed for humans
New Medication
Drinking from a puddle or stagnant water
Parasites: Most of these will cause illness in puppies or in adults with weak immune systems:
Poisonous substances or plants
Swallowing an indigestible foreign body, like a toy or a dozen or more socks
Infections with common viruses such as:
Bacterial infections, such as salmonella
Illnesses, such as kidney and liver disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer
Antibiotics and other medications
Stress or emotional upset.
Cooking up some plain rice say a cup and mixing in Greek yogurt couple of tablespoons. We sometimes brown up plain mince and mix the two together. Yes, yogurt is fantastic and has proven to slow things down because it is easy for dog's to digest.
What I was told by my Vet: The live bacteria (or probiotics) that are used in making most yogurt products have the capability to break down lactose, making it easier for dogs’ digestive system to digest. The live bacteria also help build beneficial bacteria, which assist your dog’s gut in re-establishing itself, which will help resolve the diarrhea.
Besides promoting a healthy digestive system, yogurt offers many other health benefits to dogs:
​​Yogurt is also an excellent source of one of the most important nutrients: water
it is a source of minerals like zinc and calcium, but it also boosts immunity in dogs
when you add a couple of tablespoons to your dog's food, yogurt can add extra moisture.
You can also try cottage cheese, cooked macaroni or oatmeal, as well as high-protein foods such as eggs or chicken breasts.
We give this mixture with a little dry food mixed in with it for a day or two. I also suggest speaking to your Vet as they may dispense PRO-KOLIN+ suitable to use and this has been fantastic!
Whenever you are unsure or if your dog has diarrhea or constipation for a prolonged period of time, speak to your vet.
Too much or too little dietary fiber
Not enough exercise
Too many raw bones
Blocked or infected anal glands
Excessive self-grooming (if there is dog hair in the stools)
Not enough grooming (if there is matted hair around your dog’s back end)
Objects like gravel, bones, plants or plastic caught in the intestinal tract
A side effect of medication
Dehydration (a possible symptom of more serious diseases).
Good old Sustain cereal and a diet overview has done the trick for us. There are some other suggestions; including speaking to your Vet:
Pumpkin is rich in fiber, potassium and iron. It contains essential minerals and vitamins and is beneficial in many ways, including constipation.
Low-sodium chicken broth
Canned dog food
Bran flakes
Cooked green beans
Oat bran
Olive Oil